Current and recent research projects in which School members are participating:
“… with words and images …”: Education in Thessaloniki through photographs (19th century – Interwar)
Participant: Foukas, V.
Duration: 2013-14
The transfer of reformist pedagogical ideas to Greece through the educational-pedagogical journals and the development of pedagogical theory (1900-1940)
Participant: Foukas, V.
Duration: 2017-19
I have rights
Participant: Hodolidou, E.
Duration: 2016-18
Translation of Aristotle’s Works in Modern Greek (Nissos Publications and Niarchos Foundation)
Participant: Kalfas, V. (coordinator)
Duration: 2008-
Plato (Foundation of the Hellenic World)
Participants: Kalfas, V. (coordinator), Zografidis, G. & Thanassas, P. (scientific co-editors)
Duration: 2013-15
Disaster Bioethics: Addressing ethical issues triggered by disasters
Participant: Kalokairinou, E.
Duration: 2012-16
ALCMAEON – Design a digital collection to include medical museum in the teaching of medical humanities and promote object-based learning education model
Participant: Kalokairinou, E.
Duration: 2018-20
Archive / Database of Greek Shadow Theatre
Participant: Kokoris, D.
Duration: 2013–
Behavior Management in Schools: Developing Inclusive Education Practice – Intensive training program, Erasmus
Participant: Padeliadu, S.
Duration: 2014-15
KAIKOS: Audio and Tactile Access to Knowledge for Individuals with Visual Impairments
Participant: Padeliadu, S.
Duration: 2012-15
ASPAD – Augmentation of the support of patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers
Participant: Sapounidis, T.
Duration: 2013-15
Inno:entre – Framework for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support in Open Higher Education
Participant: Sapounidis, T
Duration: 2015-17
SUnStAR: Supporting University Students At Risk of Dropping Out. (Erasmus+ Program of the European Union)
Participant: Stamovlasis, D.
Duration: 2018-22
THALES Programme: Aspects and Prospects of Realism in the Philosophy of Science and Mathematics
Participant: Sfendoni, D.
Duration: 2012-15
The moral status of the child in Plato and Aristotle: Τhe transition from mere living (ζῆν) to living well (εὖ ζῆν): Research project funded by the Programme Support of Young Scientists (ΕΔΒΜ34).
Participant: Thanassas, P.(Academic Advisor)
Duration: 2018-19
Adult Learners in Digital Learning Environments
Participant: Zarifis, G.
Duration: 2014-15
IT Based Methodology for Promoting, Assessing and Validating Competence Oriented Learning and Training – IMPACT
Participant: Zarifis, G.
Duration: 2014-16
Prioritising Skill Mismatches
Participant: Zarifis, G.
Duration: 2014-15
Integrating Cultural Diversity in Higher Education (Erasmus+ KA2)
Participant: Zarifis G. K. (Sc. coordinator for AUTH)
Duration: 2016-18
Adult Education as a Means for Active Participatory Citizenship (HORIZON 2020)
Participant: Zarifis G. K. (Sc. coordinator for AUTH)
Duration: 2016-19
Taking to the Top – Adult Educators on the Journey (Erasmus+ KA2)
Participant: Zarifis G. K. (Sc. coordinator for AUTH)
Duration: 2016-18
Reconstructing an Environment for continuing professional development and Validation for Educators in Adult Learning (Erasmus+ KA1)
Participant: Zarifis G. K. (Sc. coordinator for AUTH)
Duration: 2017-19
Validating Integration Competences of Refugees (Erasmus+ KA2)
Participant: Zarifis G. K. (Sc. coordinator for AUTH)
Duration: 2017-19
Validation of Competences of Adult Educators (Erasmus+ KA2)
Participant: Zarifis G. K. (Sc. coordinator for AUTH)
Duration: 2017-19
Promoting Creativity and Innovation Management in an innovative blended learning and validation programme at the interface between Higher Education and business (Erasmus+ KA2)
Participant: Zarifis G. K. (Sc. coordinator for AUTH)
Duration: 2018-20
VOICE – Voicing children Opportunities Interaction Collective decision making Education.
Participant: Αvgitidou Sofia (scientific coordinator)
Duration: 2021-2023