Position: Professor
Office: 216α Old Building of the Faculty of Philosophy
Telephone: 2310.99.7315
Email: dkokoris@edlit.auth.gr
Full CV: Kokoris CV (.pdf)
Research Interests:
- Literary Theory and Criticism
- Relations between Philosophy and Literature
- Greek Literature (especially 19th and 20th century)
- Aesthetic Currents of Modern Greek Literature
Selected Publications:
- Aspects of Relations between Left and Literature During the Interwar Period 1927-1936, Patras : Achaic Publishing 1999.
- “A fire. Poetry”. Comments on the Work of Yannis Ritsos, Athens: Sokolis 2003.
- Poetic Rhythm. Modernity and Traditional Expression, Thessaloniki : Nissides 2006.
- Translated Poetry. Teaching and Critic Proposals, Thessaloniki : Center of Comparative Literature and Publications Sfakianakis 2007.
- Introduction and selection of critical texts in the edition Introduction to the Poetry of Ritsos, Heraklion : Crete University Press 2009.
- “Word naked”. Introduction to the Work of Dinos Christianopoulos, Thessaloniki : Nissides 2011.
- Introduction and anthology of critical texts in the edition On Ioannou. Critical Essays, Nicosia : Aegean Publishing 2013.
- “New Technologies in Teaching Literature – Interpreting the Poetry of Cavafy” in E. Myrogianni – D. Mavroskoufis (eds.), Philologists on Computer, Athens : Kaleidoscope 2004, pp. 93-107 / 223-224.
- “Profili degli autori e note al testi”[= “Poetic Portraits: Ideology, Technique, Bibliography”, Translated into Italian: Nicola Crocetti], in N. Crocetti – F. Pontani (eds.), Poeti Greci del novecento, , Milan : Mondadori 2010, p. CVI and pp. 1648 – 1847, see also the online edition www.diapolitismos.net.
- “Yiannis Ritsos’ Martiries and the Poetics of Materiality”, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (USA – print and online versions), vol. 1, No 19, 2011-2012, see also the online edition www.diapolitismos.net
- “Agamemnon in Seferis’ and Ritsos’ poems”, Inter-Textes, 14, 2012, pp. 123-125.
- “Pythagorean elements in Odysseus Elytis’ Monogramma” Issues Literature, 49, 2012, pp. 11-18.